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The Logo of Indonesian Chairmanship in ASEAN 2011 Info

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

The Logo of Indonesian Chairmanship in ASEAN 2011; Philosophic means of Indonesia’s ASEAN 2011 Logo

Genuine symbol of the Logo
Indonesia’s ASEAN 2011 Logo is framed within a mountainous-styled symbol, which is usually used in the art performance of Javanese traditional puppet of Wayang Kulit, that picture out the mountainous area. The use of this symbol aimed at revealing Indonesian traditional culture that is happened to be very specific. 

The mountainous-styled symbol describes the hilly landscape. A mountain also symbolizes something solid – a place that is higher above than us, a place where we can breathe in the fresh air and on where the land cultivates trees around the slope right down below. Mountainous areas deliver us with relaxing soul and beautiful scene that seemed to be natural; and be able to bring up the very deepest part of human’s inner senses. Up from above the mountain, people can see breathtaking sceneries that lie below. The higher we climb, the widen universe that our eyes can shape. This is the kind of personification that recalls people once they achieve certain level in their point of life, that they are required to be able to settle down problems and addressing solution towards every troublesome times of life.

The mountainous-styled symbol also embodies Indonesia as a shelter where all elements are lying within, from various resources and various groups, to various interests; and now, as Chairman of ASEAN, Indonesia is demanded to provide shelter that accommodates and bridging differences of interests of each member state. By this mean, Indonesia should be able to sheltering ASEAN’s three main pillars and promotes cooperation among the members who are living under the shelter.

Leaves: the main elements framing the Logo
Leaves have become the figure that frames the Logo in which every single leave having its part being attached to others’ pieces. The attachment of one leave to another has given synergic impression. Leave is also a symbol of human’s basic need as it impersonates welfare state and prosperous life. The chain of leaves symbolizes spirit among ASEAN members in giving promotion towards the welfare and prosperity, which shall be built up, so that every ASEAN member can eventually be on the top.

The chain of leaves defines fire
The chain of the leaves recalls to the form of fire, which symbolizes the spirit that brings up ASEAN members in the togetherness.

The circle-shape at the center of the Logo
The shape of circle at the center of the Logo shows the epicenter of way-of-thoughts. The circle-shape recalls Indonesia, as chairman of ASEAN, to focus on giving proper responses towards ASEAN-related issues.

The ASEAN emblem at the inner-side of the Logo
The mountainous-styled Logo impersonates Indonesia as the state, and the ASEAN-emblem at the inner-side of the Logo defines varied responsibilities of Indonesia ever since it has been mandated to chair the organization.

The composition of colors
The genuine color of the Logo composed by the prime colors: blue, green, and yellow. The colors have composed the Logo in gradation-styled. They symbolize the integrity and the spirit of ASEAN members to be in united in strengthening cooperation among them, so that ASEAN can deliver better circumstances in all economic, politics, and security fields, especially for all of its members. --- Source


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