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Fifteenth ASEAN Summit

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

Fifteenth ASEAN Summit ~ SUMMIT OVERVIEW : At the 15th Annual ASEAN Summit held October 2009 in Thailand, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers agreed that the theme for the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN and for ASEAN Summit held in 2007 in Singapore would be, “One ASEAN at the Heart of Dynamic Asia”.

This theme contains key elements of ASEAN’s common aspirations. First, “One ASEAN” captures the idea of the ASEAN’s goal towards closer integration and one ASEAN Community. Second “at the heart” contains the idea of ASEAN’s centrality and ASEAN being in the driver’s seat of the evolving regional architecture. Third, “Dynamic Asia” describes the economic renaissance that is taking place in Asia. On the whole, the theme provides a fresh, optimistic and forward looking view of ASEAN as an organization. This overarching theme will be reflected in the initiatives which will be undertaken by the Singapore Chairmanship of ASEAN.

At the 16th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in July 2007 in Manila, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers also welcomed Singapore’s proposal, as the Chair of ASEAN to focus on “Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development as a key theme of discussions at the upcoming 13th ASEAN Summit and its related meetings in Singapore held in November 2007. In line with this theme, we look forward to the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Environmental Sustainability to be signed at the 13th ASEAN Summit and a proposal to work on a Singapore Declaration on the Environment to be issued at the 3rd East Asia Summit.

About The ASEAN Summit Logo

The logo identity is inspired by the ‘padi stalk’, distinctive of ASEAN’s brand heritage. The rice grains symbolize the diversity of the ten ASEAN member-countries.The graphics depict an open, flexible and vibrant spirit that personifies the spirit of ASEAN.The red ribbon stylized in the letter “a” embodies the essence of ASEAN’s binding spirit and unity. Projecting outwards, the identity exemplifies how ASEAN reaches out to the region in an open and inclusive manner. Red, yellow, orange and blue are chosen as they reflect the colors of ASEAN. Contemporary and elegant, the logo’s personality exudes warmth that reflects Singapore’s hospitality, as well as strength and growth that reinforces the theme of One ASEAN at the Heart of Dynamic Asia.


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