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ASEAN Tropical Forestry Of The Third ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting On Agriculture And Forestry

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

WE, the undersigned attending the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry in Jakarta, Indonesia on 12-14 August 1981 upon the invitation of His Excellency Soedarsono Hadisapoetro, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia;
    (i) The Declaration of ASEAN Concord of 24 February 1976 which provides for cooperative actions in national and regional development programmes; (ii) The Manila Consensus of August 1979 which has adopted an ASEAN Common Agricultural Policy (ACAP); (iii) The recommendation of the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Group on Forestry of January 1981 in Surabaya, Indonesia, to adopt an ASEANIZATION policy in the development of forestry endorsed by the Eighth COFAF Meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, in May 1981;
REVIEWING the forestry situation in the ASEAN region as ell as the rest of the world, with constraints in appropriate forestry knowledge and technology, forestry development forest products markets, internal and external resources, contributing to rapid forest resources depletion, excessive resource wastage, slow resource renewal, inequitable forest products prices. and degradation of the environment; 

COGNIZANT of forestry's significant contribution to industrial development and socio-economic welfare, forest, critical importance to conservation of soil, water, germplasm and the environment and the similarity of the forest resource base the common problems in the development of the forest sector; 

BELIEVING that the conservation of the forest resources and development of the forestry sector as a vehicle for improving the quality of life of the people in the region rests with the respective Government of ASEAN; 

DESIRING to rationalize the development of the the forestry sector for the benefit of the people, utilizing available as well as improved appropriate resources and technology within the existing framework of ASEAN, and in the spirit of technical and economic cooperation amongst developing countries, in order to ensure forest conservation and productivity to meet the challenges of the 1980s. 

  1. Recognizing the importance of a common policy in developing the forestry sector ASEAN Countries as a strong basis for the long term and effective/sound development of that sector to Improve the live of the rural communities, maintain and create renewable resources for industrial development and sustain environmental amenity and ecological stability, the Ministers agree to adopt common Forestry Policy pertaining to the:
      A. Conservation, Reforestation and Management of Forest Resources:
  2. Establishment / consolidation of adequate permanent forest estates for protection, production conservation / recreation and the, purposes:
  3. Management of the forest resources based on the principles of sustained yield and appropriate/ optimal land use;
  4. Reforestation and forest development consistent with the objective of forest management and the concept of sustained yield.
      B. Utilization of forest Resources Production, Processing and Marketing.
  5. Utilization of the forest resources based on technical, environmentally and socio-economically sound land and resource use strategies, plan and programmes.
  6. Rationalization of forest industries development based on maximum possible utilization of materials removed from forest and highest possible value added processing:
  7. Marketing of wood products based on concerted action and standardization of nomenclature, grading rules and specification;
  8. Application of appropriate technology based optimal inputs of manpower, knowledge capital, and other relevant productive resources;
  9. Development of greater domestic processing of timber through the scaling down of log exportation and generating the production of more value-added products for exports.
      C. Research and Development.
  10. Promotion of research and development in all relevant areas of forest resources conservation, management and development as well as in timber production and marketing.
      D. Education and Training
  11. Development of adequate and appropriate manpower at all levels of forest management, research and operations.
  12. Recognizing the importance .of cooperation among ASEAN Countries, in order to secure a more speedy and better result in the above forest development efforts, the Ministers agree to promote technical cooperation on the:
      A. Conservation, Reforestation and Management of Forest Resources.
      (i)establishment of seed stands and seed orchards to secure reliable supply of viable seeds for reforestation; (ii) establishment of conservation areas representing all types of ecosystems; (iii) Joint efforts to safeguard the survival of endangered wildlife species; (iii) promotion of efforts towards the definition of forestry for community development.
      B. Utilization of forest Resources Production, Processing and Marketing
      (i) Improvement of harvesting techniques and efficiency. (ii) Utilization of forest and milling residues, (iii) Promotion of the use of lesser known species. (iv) Optimization of wood processing capacities. (v) Promotion of a stable ASEAN market in trade for its wood and wood based products. (vi) Improvement of transportation of their products, (vii) Formulation of uniform scaling and grading rules, (viii) Diversification of products and markets, (ix) Cooperation in market information, intelligence, and promotion, (x) Strengthening of cooperation with international as well as regional bodies, communities and associations on forestry and on timber trade, (xi) Establishment of specialized ASEAN wood-based industrial projects e.g. pulp and paper.
      C. Research and Development
  13. Research and development as it is vital in coping with the ever-increasing demand for wood and wood products particularly from ASEAN Countries in terms of access, quality and quantity, as well as the increasing intensity of competition, exchange for information and expertise, the conduct of joint researches shall be carried out to enhance:
      (i) conservation of existing natural resources and environments; (ii) reforestation of cut-over as well as unproductive forest lands; (iii) efficiency in the productive utilization of forest lands; (iv) development of wood-based industries and their respective products; (v) research thrusts on fast growing tree species for fuelwood.
      D. Education and Training
  14. Development of capable manpower a it is vital to the successful implementation of forestry activities, and the fact that the availability of such manpower is inadequate, the ASEAN Countries shall closely cooperate in the education and training of personnel at technical and professional levels.
  15. To implement the foregoing areas of cooperation, the Ministers recognize the need to establish suitable institutions such as the Institute of Forest Management the timber Industry Research, Development & Training Center and other similar institution. The Ministers agree that studies on the details and mechanisms of such establishments shall be done by COFAF.
  16. Recognizing the, different status of the ASEAN Countries with regard to the availability of their respective timber resources, the Ministers agree on the need to promote cooperation in intra-ASEAN trade in timber and wood-based products.
  17. Recognizing the importance of presenting a common stand on international issues affecting the forestry sector in the ASEAN region, the Ministers agree:
      A. Technical ad Development Cooperation
  18. To strengthen the common stand reached so far in the ASEAN Member Countries participation in international organizations and conferences concerned with technical and development cooperation in forestry and in their negotiations for technical ad development assistance in forestry with third countries and international organizations.
      B. Economic and Trade Cooperation
  19. To strengthen the common stand reached so far in the ASEAN Member Countries participation in international organizations and conferences concerned with economic and trade cooperation affecting the forestry sector and in their negotiations for economic and trade cooperation in forest products with third countries and international organizations, and to secure smooth marketing of ASEAN forest products such as the removal of trade barriers, protectionism, etc.
      C. Environment and Wildlife Protection
  20. To have close, cooperation among ASEAN countries in the fields of environmental and wildlife protection.
DONE in the City of Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, on the Thirteenth Day of August, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-One.


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