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ASEAN Jewellery Expo 2011 Jakarta

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

ASEAN Jewellery Expo 2011 Jakarta

ASEAN Jewellery Expo 2011 Jakarta

Fifteenth ASEAN Summit

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

Fifteenth ASEAN Summit ~ SUMMIT OVERVIEW : At the 15th Annual ASEAN Summit held October 2009 in Thailand, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers agreed that the theme for the 40th Anniversary of ASEAN and for ASEAN Summit held in 2007 in Singapore would be, “One ASEAN at the Heart of Dynamic Asia”.

This theme contains key elements of ASEAN’s common aspirations. First, “One ASEAN” captures the idea of the ASEAN’s goal towards closer integration and one ASEAN Community. Second “at the heart” contains the idea of ASEAN’s centrality and ASEAN being in the driver’s seat of the evolving regional architecture. Third, “Dynamic Asia” describes the economic renaissance that is taking place in Asia. On the whole, the theme provides a fresh, optimistic and forward looking view of ASEAN as an organization. This overarching theme will be reflected in the initiatives which will be undertaken by the Singapore Chairmanship of ASEAN.

At the 16th ASEAN Ministerial Meeting held in July 2007 in Manila, the ASEAN Foreign Ministers also welcomed Singapore’s proposal, as the Chair of ASEAN to focus on “Energy, Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development as a key theme of discussions at the upcoming 13th ASEAN Summit and its related meetings in Singapore held in November 2007. In line with this theme, we look forward to the ASEAN Leaders’ Declaration on Environmental Sustainability to be signed at the 13th ASEAN Summit and a proposal to work on a Singapore Declaration on the Environment to be issued at the 3rd East Asia Summit.

About The ASEAN Summit Logo

The logo identity is inspired by the ‘padi stalk’, distinctive of ASEAN’s brand heritage. The rice grains symbolize the diversity of the ten ASEAN member-countries.The graphics depict an open, flexible and vibrant spirit that personifies the spirit of ASEAN.The red ribbon stylized in the letter “a” embodies the essence of ASEAN’s binding spirit and unity. Projecting outwards, the identity exemplifies how ASEAN reaches out to the region in an open and inclusive manner. Red, yellow, orange and blue are chosen as they reflect the colors of ASEAN. Contemporary and elegant, the logo’s personality exudes warmth that reflects Singapore’s hospitality, as well as strength and growth that reinforces the theme of One ASEAN at the Heart of Dynamic Asia.

ASEAN Tropical Forestry Of The Third ASEAN Economic Ministers Meeting On Agriculture And Forestry

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

WE, the undersigned attending the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Economic Ministers on Agriculture and Forestry in Jakarta, Indonesia on 12-14 August 1981 upon the invitation of His Excellency Soedarsono Hadisapoetro, Minister of Agriculture of the Republic of Indonesia;
    (i) The Declaration of ASEAN Concord of 24 February 1976 which provides for cooperative actions in national and regional development programmes; (ii) The Manila Consensus of August 1979 which has adopted an ASEAN Common Agricultural Policy (ACAP); (iii) The recommendation of the Third Meeting of the ASEAN Coordinating Group on Forestry of January 1981 in Surabaya, Indonesia, to adopt an ASEANIZATION policy in the development of forestry endorsed by the Eighth COFAF Meeting in Bandung, Indonesia, in May 1981;
REVIEWING the forestry situation in the ASEAN region as ell as the rest of the world, with constraints in appropriate forestry knowledge and technology, forestry development forest products markets, internal and external resources, contributing to rapid forest resources depletion, excessive resource wastage, slow resource renewal, inequitable forest products prices. and degradation of the environment; 

COGNIZANT of forestry's significant contribution to industrial development and socio-economic welfare, forest, critical importance to conservation of soil, water, germplasm and the environment and the similarity of the forest resource base the common problems in the development of the forest sector; 

BELIEVING that the conservation of the forest resources and development of the forestry sector as a vehicle for improving the quality of life of the people in the region rests with the respective Government of ASEAN; 

DESIRING to rationalize the development of the the forestry sector for the benefit of the people, utilizing available as well as improved appropriate resources and technology within the existing framework of ASEAN, and in the spirit of technical and economic cooperation amongst developing countries, in order to ensure forest conservation and productivity to meet the challenges of the 1980s. 

  1. Recognizing the importance of a common policy in developing the forestry sector ASEAN Countries as a strong basis for the long term and effective/sound development of that sector to Improve the live of the rural communities, maintain and create renewable resources for industrial development and sustain environmental amenity and ecological stability, the Ministers agree to adopt common Forestry Policy pertaining to the:
      A. Conservation, Reforestation and Management of Forest Resources:
  2. Establishment / consolidation of adequate permanent forest estates for protection, production conservation / recreation and the, purposes:
  3. Management of the forest resources based on the principles of sustained yield and appropriate/ optimal land use;
  4. Reforestation and forest development consistent with the objective of forest management and the concept of sustained yield.
      B. Utilization of forest Resources Production, Processing and Marketing.
  5. Utilization of the forest resources based on technical, environmentally and socio-economically sound land and resource use strategies, plan and programmes.
  6. Rationalization of forest industries development based on maximum possible utilization of materials removed from forest and highest possible value added processing:
  7. Marketing of wood products based on concerted action and standardization of nomenclature, grading rules and specification;
  8. Application of appropriate technology based optimal inputs of manpower, knowledge capital, and other relevant productive resources;
  9. Development of greater domestic processing of timber through the scaling down of log exportation and generating the production of more value-added products for exports.
      C. Research and Development.
  10. Promotion of research and development in all relevant areas of forest resources conservation, management and development as well as in timber production and marketing.
      D. Education and Training
  11. Development of adequate and appropriate manpower at all levels of forest management, research and operations.
  12. Recognizing the importance .of cooperation among ASEAN Countries, in order to secure a more speedy and better result in the above forest development efforts, the Ministers agree to promote technical cooperation on the:
      A. Conservation, Reforestation and Management of Forest Resources.
      (i)establishment of seed stands and seed orchards to secure reliable supply of viable seeds for reforestation; (ii) establishment of conservation areas representing all types of ecosystems; (iii) Joint efforts to safeguard the survival of endangered wildlife species; (iii) promotion of efforts towards the definition of forestry for community development.
      B. Utilization of forest Resources Production, Processing and Marketing
      (i) Improvement of harvesting techniques and efficiency. (ii) Utilization of forest and milling residues, (iii) Promotion of the use of lesser known species. (iv) Optimization of wood processing capacities. (v) Promotion of a stable ASEAN market in trade for its wood and wood based products. (vi) Improvement of transportation of their products, (vii) Formulation of uniform scaling and grading rules, (viii) Diversification of products and markets, (ix) Cooperation in market information, intelligence, and promotion, (x) Strengthening of cooperation with international as well as regional bodies, communities and associations on forestry and on timber trade, (xi) Establishment of specialized ASEAN wood-based industrial projects e.g. pulp and paper.
      C. Research and Development
  13. Research and development as it is vital in coping with the ever-increasing demand for wood and wood products particularly from ASEAN Countries in terms of access, quality and quantity, as well as the increasing intensity of competition, exchange for information and expertise, the conduct of joint researches shall be carried out to enhance:
      (i) conservation of existing natural resources and environments; (ii) reforestation of cut-over as well as unproductive forest lands; (iii) efficiency in the productive utilization of forest lands; (iv) development of wood-based industries and their respective products; (v) research thrusts on fast growing tree species for fuelwood.
      D. Education and Training
  14. Development of capable manpower a it is vital to the successful implementation of forestry activities, and the fact that the availability of such manpower is inadequate, the ASEAN Countries shall closely cooperate in the education and training of personnel at technical and professional levels.
  15. To implement the foregoing areas of cooperation, the Ministers recognize the need to establish suitable institutions such as the Institute of Forest Management the timber Industry Research, Development & Training Center and other similar institution. The Ministers agree that studies on the details and mechanisms of such establishments shall be done by COFAF.
  16. Recognizing the, different status of the ASEAN Countries with regard to the availability of their respective timber resources, the Ministers agree on the need to promote cooperation in intra-ASEAN trade in timber and wood-based products.
  17. Recognizing the importance of presenting a common stand on international issues affecting the forestry sector in the ASEAN region, the Ministers agree:
      A. Technical ad Development Cooperation
  18. To strengthen the common stand reached so far in the ASEAN Member Countries participation in international organizations and conferences concerned with technical and development cooperation in forestry and in their negotiations for technical ad development assistance in forestry with third countries and international organizations.
      B. Economic and Trade Cooperation
  19. To strengthen the common stand reached so far in the ASEAN Member Countries participation in international organizations and conferences concerned with economic and trade cooperation affecting the forestry sector and in their negotiations for economic and trade cooperation in forest products with third countries and international organizations, and to secure smooth marketing of ASEAN forest products such as the removal of trade barriers, protectionism, etc.
      C. Environment and Wildlife Protection
  20. To have close, cooperation among ASEAN countries in the fields of environmental and wildlife protection.
DONE in the City of Jakarta, Republic of Indonesia, on the Thirteenth Day of August, One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-One.


Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

ASEAN MULL FIFA WORLD CUP HOSTING IN 2030 : BANGKOK (18 Jan 2011) – ASEAN foreign ministers have agreed to propose to the grouping’s leadership that the region host the FIFA World Cup in 2030 as a group, diplomatic sources say.

The foreign ministers, who are meeting in Lombok, Indonesia, would submit a formal and detailed plan for approval by the ASEAN leaders when they meet in Jakarta on 7-8 May 2010.

The idea of the region jointly hosting the FIFA World Cup in 2030 was first proposed by Malaysia at the annual foreign ministers’ meeting in Hanoi in July last year.

Malaysian Foreign Minister Anifah Aman volunteered to discuss the idea with his country’s sports authorities. Malaysian Prime Minister Najib Razak has endorsed the proposal.

During the recent ASEAN finance ministers meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Thai Finance Minister Korn Chatikavanij also raised the idea, which was well received by his colleagues.

Singapore Foreign Minister George Yeo proposed that Malaysia work with the ASEAN Secretariat in Jakarta to come up with a concrete proposal to submit to the ASEAN leaders for their final approval.

Brazil will host the next World Cup in 2014, followed by Russia in 2018 and then Qatar in 2022. The 2026 and 2030 hosts have not yet been decided.

“This is an effort to use sport to create an ASEAN identity,” said a source to Bangkok Post. “This is a community-building effort. It will excite the youth (of the region). It will engage the people. It will inspire the imagination of ASEAN.”

Another source said: “ASEAN need an ASEAN identity. ASEAN coming together and competing as a bloc to host the FIFA World Cup will bring a tremendous sense of community and common identity.”

The ASEAN Secretariat will invite experts and football authorities from the region and elsewhere to help the group map out a strategy for the 2030 bid.

The application will likely face competition from other Asian countries such as China, who has stated its intention to bid for the right to host the world’s most watched sporting event in 2030.

By the time the international football association, FIFA decide on the 2030 World Cup host, all ASEAN capitals are expected to have built international standard sports and football stadiums, said one of the sources.

The details as to which capital will host which match are being worked out, the source said. They emphasised that the process was as important to ASEAN as the end result as, if endorsed by the ASEAN Summit in May, it would become a joint initiative among all member nations.

ASEAN Vision 2020

Posted by Austin DWI Labels:

ASEAN Vision 2020 : We, the Heads of State/Government of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, gather today in Kuala Lumpur to reaffirm our commitment to the aims and purposes of the Association as set forth in the Bangkok Declaration of 8 August 1967, in particular to promote regional cooperation in Southeast Asia in the spirit of equality and partnership and thereby contribute towards peace, progress and prosperity in the region.

We in ASEAN have created a community of Southeast Asian nations at peace with one another and at peace with the world, rapidly achieving prosperity for our peoples and steadily improving their lives. Our rich diversity has provided the strength and inspiration to us to help one another foster a strong sense of community.

We are now a market of around 500 million people with a combined gross domestic product of US$600 billion. We have achieved considerable results in the economic field, such as high economic growth, stability and significant poverty alleviation over the past few years. Members have enjoyed substantial trade and investment flows from significant liberalisation measures.
We resolve to build upon these achievements.

Now, as we approach the 21st century, thirty years after the birth of ASEAN, we gather to chart a vision for ASEAN on the basis of today's realities and prospects in the decades leading to the Year 2020.
That vision is of ASEAN as a concert of Southeast Asian nations, outward looking, living in peace, stability and prosperity, bonded together in partnership in dynamic development and in a community of caring societies.

A Concert of Southeast Asian Nations

We envision the ASEAN region to be, in 2020, in full reality, a Zone of Peace, Freedom and Neutrality, as envisaged in the Kuala Lumpur Declaration of 1971.
ASEAN shall have, by the year 2020, established a peaceful and stable Southeast Asia where each nation is at peace with itself and where the causes for conflict have been eliminated, through abiding respect for justice and the rule of law and through the strengthening of national and regional resilience.
We envision a Southeast Asia where territorial and other disputes are resolved by peaceful means.
We envision the Treaty of Amity and Cooperation in Southeast Asia functioning fully as a binding code of conduct for our governments and peoples, to which other states with interests in the region adhere.
We envision a Southeast Asia free from nuclear weapons, with all the Nuclear Weapon States committed to the purposes of the Southeast Asia Nuclear Weapons Free Zone Treaty through their adherence to its Protocol. We also envision our region free from all other weapons of mass destruction.
We envision our rich human and natural resources contributing to our development and shared prosperity.
We envision the ASEAN Regional Forum as an established means for confidence-building and preventive diplomacy and for promoting conflict-resolution.
We envision a Southeast Asia where our mountains, rivers and seas no longer divide us but link us together in friendship, cooperation and commerce.
We see ASEAN as an effective force for peace, justice and moderation in the Asia-Pacific and in the world.

A Partnership in Dynamic Development

We resolve to chart a new direction towards the year 2020 called, ASEAN 2020 : Partnership in Dynamic Development which will forge closer economic integration within ASEAN.
We reiterate our resolve to enhance ASEAN economic cooperation through economic development strategies, which are in line with the aspiration of our respective peoples, which put emphasis on sustainable and equitable growth, and enhance national as well as regional resilience.
We pledge to sustain ASEAN's high economic performance by building upon the foundation of our existing cooperation efforts, consolidating our achievements, expanding our collective efforts and enhancing mutual assistance.
We commit ourselves to moving towards closer cohesion and economic integration, narrowing the gap in the level of development among Member Countries, ensuring that the multilateral trading system remains fair and open, and achieving global competitiveness.
We will create a stable, prosperous and highly competitive ASEAN Economic Region in which there is a free flow of goods, services and investments, a freer flow of capital, equitable economic development and reduced poverty and socio-economic disparities.
We resolve, inter-alia, to undertake the following:
  • maintain regional macroeconomic and financial stability by promoting closer consultations in macroeconomic and financial policies.
  • advance economic integration and cooperation by undertaking the following general strategies: fully implement the ASEAN Free Trade Area and accelerate liberalization of trade in services, realise the ASEAN Investment Area by 2010 and free flow of investments by 2020; intensify and expand sub-regional cooperation in existing and new sub-regional growth areas; further consolidate and expand extra-ASEAN regional linkages for mutual benefit cooperate to strengthen the multilateral trading system, and reinforce the role of the business sector as the engine of growth.
  • promote a modern and competitive small and medium enterprises (SME) sector in ASEAN which will contribute to the industrial development and efficiency of the region.
  • accelerate the free flow of professional and other services in the region.
  • promote financial sector liberalisation and closer cooperation in money and capital market, tax, insurance and customs matters as well as closer consultations in macroeconomic and financial policies.
  • accelerate the development of science and technology including information technology by establishing a regional information technology network and centers of excellence for dissemination of and easy access to data and information.
  • establish interconnecting arrangements in the field of energy and utilities for electricity, natural gas and water within ASEAN through the ASEAN Power Grid and a Trans-ASEAN Gas Pipeline and Water Pipeline, and promote cooperation in energy efficiency and conservation, as well as the development of new and renewable energy resources.
  • enhance food security and international competitiveness of food, agricultural and forest products, to make ASEAN a leading producer of these products, and promote the forestry sector as a model in forest management, conservation and sustainable development.
  • meet the ever increasing demand for improved infrastructure and communications by developing an integrated and harmonized trans-ASEAN transportation network and harnessing technology advances in telecommunication and information technology, especially in linking the planned information highways/multimedia corridors in ASEAN, promoting open sky policy, developing multi-modal transport, facilitating goods in transit and integrating telecommunications networks through greater interconnectivity, coordination of frequencies and mutual recognition of equipment-type approval procedures.
  • enhance human resource development in all sectors of the economy through quality education, upgrading of skills and capabilities and training.
  • work towards a world class standards and conformance system that will provide a harmonised system to facilitate the free flow of ASEAN trade while meeting health, safety and environmental needs.
  • use the ASEAN Foundation as one of the instruments to address issues of unequal economic development, poverty and socioeconomic disparities.
  • promote an ASEAN customs partnership for world class standards and excellence in efficiency, professionalism and service, and uniformity through harmonised procedures, to promote trade and investment and to protect the health and well-being of the ASEAN community,
  • enhance intra-ASEAN trade and investment in the mineral sector and to contribute towards a technologically competent ASEAN through closer networking and sharing of information on mineral and geosciences as well as to enhance cooperation and partnership with dialogue partners to facilitate the development and transfer of technology in the mineral sector, particularly in the downstream research and the geosciences and to develop appropriate mechanism for these.

A Community of Caring Societies

We envision the entire Southeast Asia to be, by 2020, an ASEAN community conscious of its ties of history, aware of its cultural heritage and bound by a common regional identity. 
We see vibrant and open ASEAN societies consistent with their respective national identities, where all people enjoy equitable access to opportunities for total human development regardless of gender, race, religion, language, or social and cultural background. 
We envision a socially cohesive and caring ASEAN where hunger, malnutrition, deprivation and poverty are no longer basic problems, where strong families as the basic units of society tend to their members particularly the children, youth, women and elderly; and where the civil society is empowered and gives special attention to the disadvantaged, disabled and marginalized and where social justice and the rule of law reign. 
We see well before 2020 a Southeast Asia free of illicit drugs, free of their production, processing, trafficking and use. 
We envision a technologically competitive ASEAN competent in strategic and enabling technologies, with an adequate pool of technologically qualified and trained manpower, and strong networks of scientific and technological institutions and centers of excellence. 
We envision a clean and green ASEAN with fully established mechanisms for sustainable development to ensure the protection of the region's environment, the sustainability of its natural resources, and the high quality of life of its peoples. 
We envision the evolution in Southeast Asia of agreed rules of behaviour and cooperative measures to deal with problems that can be met only on a regional scale, including environmental pollution and degradation, drug trafficking, trafficking in women and children, and other transnational crimes.
We envision our nations being governed with the consent and greater participation of the people with its focus on the welfare and dignity of the human person and the good of the community. 
We resolve to develop and strengthen ASEAN's institutions and mechanisms to enable ASEAN to realize the vision and respond to the challenges of the coming century. We also see the need for a strengthened ASEAN Secretariat with an enhanced role to support the realization of our vision.

An Outward-Looking ASEAN

We see an outward-looking ASEAN playing a pivotal role in the international fora, and advancing ASEAN's common interests. We envision ASEAN having an intensified relationship with its Dialogue Partners and other regional organisations based on equal partnership and mutual respect.


We pledge to our peoples our determination and commitment to bringing this ASEAN Vision for the Year 2020 into reality.

Kuala Lumpur
15 December 1997